Saturday, July 2, 2016

Finances with the Family

Why is it important to bring all members into the circle of doing finances? What are those benefits? I is always wise to keep both parents in full knowledge of the family money. Finance is not just income, it is also what you are spending, and the activities you want to get, and investments. In class we used the booklet ‘One for the Money Guide to Family Finance,’ by Elder Marvin J. Ashton. Elder Ashton offers a 12 step guide on the most important factors that will help keep the family together while working on goals with finances.

     1.      Pay an honest tithe
     2.      Learn to manage money before it manages you
     3.      Learn self-discipline and self-resistant in money matters
     4.      Use a budget
     5.      Teach family members early the importance of working and earning
     6.      Teach children to make money decisions in keeping with their capacities to comprehend
     7.      Teach each family member to contribute to the total family welfare
     8.      Make education a continuing process
     9.      Work toward home ownership
   10.  Appropriately involve yourself in an insurance program
   11.  Understand the influence of eternal forces on family finances and investments
   12.  Appropriately involve yourself in a food storage and emergency preparedness program

# 1 of paying an honest tithe is extremely important to me because I personally believe that we would not have the money in the first place without the help and mercy from God. So, for us to offer 10% back to the Lord and His Church is nothing compared to the portion that we still receive.

#3 is also important because we need to understand the differences between wants and needs. While it is good to fill our wants every once in a while, it is more important to deal with the needs and necessities in life first.

#4 knowing when and where the money is coming and going is vital. People today struggle with not even knowing close to the numbers in there bank accounts. They over spend and get themselves into debt, which is harder and harder to decrease as the years roll on.

#5 understanding working and earning is also important. There are many people today who think of themselves entitled to things in this life. They do not understand the simple principles of working for items and earning them.

I think as these steps develop then the rest may also slowly develop. It is vital to teach children that working together for things they need and the things they want can be extremely rewarding in this lifetime.