Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Savior

One who willingly saves another from some kind of danger is a savior. Even though we could pin point people in our lives who acted as our saviors, we have one who is the ultimate Savior Jesus Christ. Today, I not only have the Savior on my mind, but also another savior of mine, Grace Jackson. Other words to describe a savior is one who redeems and delivers. Every attribute that we identifies Jesus Christ also shows through Grace Jackson's countenance. No, she is not perfect and she is completely human, yet she is on her way to becoming the next Mother Theresa. When I fall and I go to her she every time she has never once turned me away. She without a doubt let me talk as she listened for hours. I know she did not agree with my choices in life, but she would sit with me, and most importantly extended that hand of love just as Christ. She saved me, from me. I was sheltered by the danger that I was causing myself with the help from Grace. She was/is the one who over the many years has shown me Christ, and his infinite Atonement. Christ and Grace were not only there for the bad days and days that I thought were the worst of all, but also for my best days, my happiest days.
I hope that I can continue to strive to be the woman she is continuing to work on. I want to be that place of refuge for my future friends and most importantly, my family. I want to work on having the ability to know when to listen to someone and know when to give them comfort. To be able to communicate love without even saying a word, I believe is one of the greatest forms of love. Grace has taught me to be patient with myself and not to be harsh when I stumble over my past faults. She has taught me to never, ever forget to pray about all things, go, run to the Lord, he is always waiting on us.

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